Monday, May 7, 2012


  Good hitting starts with good mechanics.  Notice on Jake Parker's stance, that he is well balanced by having his feet a little wider than shoulder length apart.  This puts him in a good athletic position.  His hands are relaxed and positioned behind the ear opening of his helmet.  His chin is tucked into his front right shoulder, his eyes are fixed on the pitcher and his knees are slightly bent with his hips well positioned over his back-side.  His pre-pitch stance has put him in great position to hit the ball solidly.
Well Balanced And Focused.
"Squishing The Bug"-"Eye On The Ball".
  As the pitch is delivered, notice that Jake's stride of his right foot is short, but allows his hips to turn in order to get full extension of his arms as he delivers his swing.  His hips or his belt-line is now facing directly towards the pitcher.  Also, look at his back left foot; this foot position is know as "Squishing The Bug".  His foot has turned, and is now on the ball of his left foot.  This motion helps keep his weight back on his bent back left leg, with his front right leg straightened out.  This position taps into the power source of the biggest muscles of his body--the legs.  As Jake takes his swing, you'll see his eyes are focused on the ball, left hand on the bat is now palm up facing the sky, and as the swing plays out, he'll be able to see his bat hit the ball.  Practice these mechanics for 5-10 minutes daily, and you too can have "Picture Perfect Mechanics", and can become a better hitter.

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